
The Tool Menu

The tool menu is the group of operate of edit, which behavior of each menu is same as each button on the Tool-bar window(except operate of select of Pen-style and Tile-pattern).

Shapes, Functions
Free Line Same as button. desc.
Proportional Free Line Same as button. desc.
Line Same as button. desc.
Box Frame Same as button. desc.
Ellipse Frame Same as button. desc.
Palallelogram Frame Same as button. desc.
Box Fill Same as button. desc.
Ellipse Fill Same as button. desc.
Palallelogram Fill Same as button. desc.
Paint Same as button. desc.
Selection Same as button. desc.
Scroll Same as button. desc.
Normal Same as button.
Uniformed Tint Same as button.
Tint Same as button.
Air Brush Same as button.
Gradient Same as button.
Scatter Same as button.
Water Drop Same as button.
Continuous Line Same as button. desc.
Flip Pattern Same as button. desc.
Handle Same as button. desc.
Fix Point Same as button. desc.
Follow Point Same as button. desc.
Identical Shape Same as button. desc.
Proportioned Width Same as button. desc.
Fixed Width Same as button. desc.
Selected Width Same as button. desc.
Proportioned Tine Same as button. desc.
Fixed Tint Same as button. desc.
Selected Tint Same as button. desc.
Normal Tone Same as button. desc.
Half Tone Same as button. desc.
Skip Always Same as button. desc.
Skip Binary Same as button. desc.
Hold Pattern Same as button. desc.
Select of the Pen-style and the Tile-pattern
Next Pen Style The index of current selected pen-style on the pen-style and tile-pattern window change to next index.
Previous Pen Style The index of current selected pen-style on the pen-style and tile-pattern window change to previous index.
Bold Width The value of pen-width slider on the pen-style and tile-pattern window is increased by one.
Thin Width The value of pen-width slider on the pen-style and tile-pattern window is decreased by one.
Next Tile Pattern The index of current selected tile-pattern on the pen-style and tile-pattern window change to next index.
Previous Tile Pattern The index of current selected tile-pattern on the pen-style and tile-pattern window change to previous index.
Thick Tint The value of tint slider on the pen-style and tile-pattern window is increased by 10 percent.
Thin Tint The value of tint slider on the pen-style and tile-pattern window is decreased by 10 percent.
